ROI Plan or Return on investment plan is one the most popular mlm plan in current times. This plan as the name suggest is an investment plan. One can invest small amount of money make a double or more profit. They need to invest on the company’s service or product or any kind of packages. On that investment we will get benefit daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis according to the company policy.
In this set up, multi-level selling firms supply a daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly based share to their down line members according to their investment. With this set up, members will get high profit with a bit investment. This is a good plan where people want to invest for a business but do not have many business ideas or do not know much about the market.
Generally in domestic and international market daily basis ROI in big demand. If a company wants then it can stop growth income on Saturday, Sunday and holiday. Companies also provide binary matching income or level income as per his choice or market demand. Sometimes the company also allow the user to increase member investment value for increase capping or earning criteria.